IAIA Mission visited SE “USIE IZOTOP”

On November 6, 2024, a working meeting with a team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) took place at SE “USIE IZOTOP.” This important visit was part of the second phase of the IAEA “Support and Assistance Mission on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources in Ukraine” (ISAMRAD), aimed at providing support and ensuring the safety and security of ionizing radioactive sources (IRS) in Ukraine.
As part of the Mission, which was accompanied by specialists from the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) and the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS), a technical visit to the facilities of the enterprise’s production complex, including the radioisotope product storage facility, was carried out. The participants were familiarized with the main areas of activity of SE “USIE IZOTOP”. The IAEA representatives were shown the practical application of equipment and systems already received as part of the international IAEA RANET network to enhance the radiation safety and physical protection system of SE “USIE IZOTOP” facilities.
The meeting covered a wide range of topics. The experts exchanged views on the preliminary results of the Mission’s tasks and conducted a detailed assessment of the progress achieved in improving the quality of safety and security of IRS at the SE “USIE IZOTOP”.
Based on the discussions held, further plans for cooperation were outlined, and additional needs were agreed upon to strengthen the capabilities of SE “USIE IZOTOP” to meet the highest safety standards.