Discussion of radioactive material management issues in Bucharest (Romania)

SE “USIE IZOTOP” representatives led by Director Volodymyr Kalachyk, a part of an official delegation of Ukraine, took part in the Technical Exchange on the Management of Radioactive Sources in High-Risk Areas Near the Frontline that was held in two stages in Bucharest (Romania) from February 25 to March 03, 2025.
This workshop was organized under the support of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Office of Radiological Security (ORS).

The Technical Exchange discussed challenges related to the planning and implementation of work on the removal and transportation of radioactive materials from the crisis regions of Ukraine, as well as interaction between all parties involved to ensure radiological security and control in non-standard (emergency) situations under martial law conditions.

Volodymyr Kalachyk and other representatives of the delegation thanked the involved American experts for their support, professional consultations and organization of the workshop activities, and emphasized the importance of concerted communication, interaction and coordination between civilian organizations and security/military agencies of Ukraine in performing work on safe and secure management of radioactive materials in high-risk regions and ensuring protection of personnel, the public and the environment

State Enterprise “USIE ISOTOP” Continues to Upgrade Its Fleet with Specialized Vehicles.

In order to ensure compliance with the highest standards of nuclear and radiation safety, preserve the quality of pharmaceutical products, and comply with licensing requirements for the transportation and storage of radioactive pharmaceuticals, the enterprise has procurred two specialized vehicles:

ZSO FRA-N2-D70, manufactured on the IVECO Daily 70C18H V platform, is a refrigerated van equipped with a thermal capsule and two biological shielding screens to protect drivers and the environment from ionizing radiation exposure. It also features a modern refrigeration unit. The cooling equipment can operate both from the vehicle’s generator and from a 220V power supply when parked, ensuring the stable temperature conditions even when the vehicle is at a complete stop.

ZSO FRA-N2-RM06, manufactured on the Renault Master L4H1 platform, is a refrigerated van with a cooling unit and an isothermal body. It is equipped with a fixed biological shielding screen, securing straps, and wall-mounted rings for cargo fastening.

This fleet upgrade is an important step toward delivering high-quality specialized services that require a professional approach, skilled personnel, and state-of-the-art technical equipment.

The safe transportation is about caring for people, the environment, and the future!

IAEA Workshop on Project Threats in Pakistan.

The International Workshop on Nuclear Security and Design Basis Threat Assessment was held in Rawalpindi (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) on December 9-13, 2024. It was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with the Pakistan Center of Excellence for Nuclear Security (PCENS).

Andrii Kravets, Head of International Cooperation Department of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, participated in the workshop as part of the delegation from Ukraine.

The theoretical and practical sessions of the Workshop were conducted by international IAEA experts from the United States and the United Kingdom. The participants included representatives of regulatory authorities and operators of nuclear and radioactive material management facilities from Asia, Africa, Europe, South and North America.

The Workshop was devoted to the IAEA methodology for developing a design basis threat assessment, defining the roles and responsibilities of government agencies, regulatory authorities and operators, as well as the design and installation of physical protection systems based on justified design threats.

The acquired knowledge and international best practices will be used in practical activities on radioactive material management at facilities of SE “USIE IZOTOP”.

Training of representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP” in Bydgoszcz (Republic of Poland)

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP” participated in the regional exercises on interactions in transportation of dangerous goods that were held on December 2-5, 2024, in Bydgoszcz (Republic of Poland).
The training course was co-organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs together with the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Safety (NNSA/ORS) in cooperation with the Polish stakeholders.

The theoretical and practical exercises were attended by radioactive material operators, emergency services, governmental and regulatory authorities from Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
The issues of licensing transportation activities, strengthening physical protection, preventing and responding to theft during transportation, interaction of civilian and military structures during the cross-border transportation, methods of risk and threat assessment were discussed.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” continues to actively involve its personnel in international events, workshops and trainings that provide an opportunity to study international best practices in radiation protection and security and to implement the knowledge gained in the enterprise’s daily activities.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” personnel continues to improve its qualification!

At the initiative of SE “USIE IZOTOP” management and under the support of the U.S. Department of Energy, an international technical assistance project was launched to modernize the hot cell of the SE “USIE IZOTOP” production complex and to provide specialized training for personnel.

As a part of this project, engineers and technical specialists of SE “USIE IZOTOP” successfully completed the training on maintenance and repair of “hot cell” equipment and systems, which took place from 11 to 15 November 2024 in the Czech Republic at the sites of the Czech companies UJP Praha and Research Center Řež (CVŘ).

This course included theoretical and practical sessions in the hot cells on operation, diagnostics, elimination of future problems and potential repairs of individual elements and systems used in the hot cell of the SE “USIE IZOTOP” production complex.

Additionally, SE “USIE IZOTOP” specialists visited the UJP Praha production site, where they got acquainted with the processes of manufacturing equipment, containers and radiotherapy devices, and at CVŘ Řež, as part of a technical tour, they visited the radioactive waste processing plant and the operating nuclear research reactor with its research and experimental facilities.

Employees of SE “USIE IZOTOP” continue to participate in trainings and courses on professional development, gaining new skills and knowledge, because the high qualification and competence of personnel is the basis for safe and high-quality work.

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in a regular meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in a regular meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS), which took place during November 9-11, 2024, in Krakow, the Republic of Poland.

During the working meetings, the parties discussed the current state of implementation of projects on the security of radioactive material transportation, modernization of physical protection systems and removal of disused ionizing radiation sources. Additionally, initiatives to launch new international technical assistance projects were outlined.

The delegation of Ukraine also included representatives of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management (SAUEZM), and the state enterprises under the SAUEZM structure: SE “Central Enterprise for Radioactive Waste Management” (CERWM) and SSE “Association “Radon” (SAR).