The Constitution of Ukraine is 28 years old!

The foundations of the Basic Law of our state were laid a long time ago, more than a century ago. Our history and identification, the desire to be free on our own land, to respect the rights and freedoms of others, to perceive life as the highest value – all this is approved in the articles of the Basic Law of our state. Perhaps that is why the international community recognized the Constitution of Ukraine as one of the most democratic in the world.

Today, defending our country, its sovereignty, integrity, independence, state language, we once again turn to the world-recognized Document to emphasize: we know the price of freedom!


Meeting with partners from UJP Praha a.s.

On June 18, 2024, in Prague, SE “USIE IZOTOP” team held working meetings with the representatives of the Czech company UJP Praha a.s., which is a long-term partner of our enterprise. We cooperate in the supply of radioactive sources for medical institutions of Ukraine and special packaging sets used in the implementation of international technical assistance projects for transportation and storage of radioactive materials.

During the meetings, the parties discussed plans to expand cooperation, implement new joint initiatives, including the development of a draft memorandum of cooperation and partnership.

Working meetings under the auspices of ORS

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in project meetings organized by the U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS), which took place from 18 to 21 June 2024 in Prague ,Czech Republic.

During the working meetings, a report was provided on the implementation of ongoing projects on the security of hazardous cargo transportation, upgrades to the physical protection systems and removal of disuses ionizing radiation sources. The agenda also included discussions and proposals for the implementation of new projects and initiatives.

The Ukrainian delegation also included representatives of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) and enterprises of the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management (SAEZM).

Employees of SE ” USIE IZOTOP” became blood donors

On the eve of the World Blood Donor Day, on June 13, the team of SE “UDVP ISOTOP” joined the blood collection at the National Cancer Institute. In this way, we supported the event, which aims to help children and adults with cancerand also military personnel.

As noted by the National Cancer Institute, blood transfusion is the only effective way to improve the condition of a cancer patient whose hemoglobin, erythrocyte, and platelet levels have dropped to a critical level due to the disease and as a result of chemotherapy.

If you have no contraindications for donating blood, join! It could save someone’s life!