SE “USIE IZOTOP” participated in the ISI meeting

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in the meeting of the Group on the sharing of information on technical assistance to Ukraine in the field of radiation and nuclear safety and security.

The event took place in Prague (Czech Republic) on May 13-17, 2024, with the support of the U.S. Department of State, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” presented to international partners the project proposals that are vital in the conditions of the martial law, which relate to the development of nuclear medicine and the introduction of domestic production of radiopharmaceuticals in Ukraine through the creation of an industrial cyclotron centre at our enterprise, as well as the upgrades to the physical protection systems at the Production Complex.

Several productive meetings were held with government organizations of the United States, Canada, and a number of European Union countries to discuss current needs and launch new international technical assistance projects.

We are strengthening our international cooperation and continue to work on solving urgent and strategic issues for Ukraine.

The Information Sharing Initiative (ISI) is an international donor platform within the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.


Happy Vyshyvanka Day!

When we hear the words “nation code”, the first thing that comes to mind is an embroidered shirt (ukrainska vyshyvanka).

It has always been a symbolic reflection of today’s Ukrainians: in terms of color, signs, and style.

Wearing an embroidered shirt, we identify ourselves, declaring to the whole world: we are Ukrainians, we are for Ukraine!

The first step has been taken: The Concept of the Development of Nuclear Medicine and the Introduction of the Production of Radioactive Medicines in Ukraine was presented

SE “USIE IZOTOP” presented the concept of the development of nuclear medicine and the introduction of the production of radioactive medicines in Ukraine (hereinafter – the Concept) at the subcommittee on the prevention and control of oncological diseases of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Public Health, Medical Aid and Medical Insurance under the chairmanship of Valerii Zub.

For us, this is a thorough document about a comprehensive approach to the development of nuclear medicine and the introduction of our own production of radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment and diagnosis of oncological diagnoses, the detection of cardiovascular, endocrine, nephrological, neurological and other diseases.

Why is this important?

  • Ukraine does not have its own production of radiopharmaceuticals, which would cover the need for them for our citizens
  • Almost all preparations (with the exception of a small part of diagnostic drugs) and 100% of the corresponding equipment are supplied from abroad
  • The full-scale invasion of the russia led to the closure of airspace, which complicated the supply routes and increased the waiting time for patients for medicine and diagnostic preparations
  • Imports always make goods more expensive
  • There are many other points that complicate the access of our citizens to high-quality, and most importantly, timely diagnosis and treatment

What do we offer?

  • Develop and approve the state program for the development of nuclear medicine
  • Create a network of territorial oncology diagnostic centers with compact cyclotrons (this is already being worked on by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and SE “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”)
  • to create an industrial cyclotron center at the premises of SE “USIE IZOTOP” with the first quality control laboratory for radioactive medicinal products in Ukraine according to GMP standards (our specialists are working on this).

We thank Valerii Zub for paying attention to this issue, to each participant individually for active participation in the discussion, for a constructive dialogue for supporting the Concept project as a whole: the State Property Fund of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, SE “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”, the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control, State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine. Special thanks to the doctors and scientists who expressed their position regarding the importance of the project and found time to join the meeting: National Cancer Institute, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, The State Institution Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv City Clinical Oncology Center, Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” successfully closed the 2023 financial year and the 1st quarter of 2024

The strategic state enterprise “USIE IZOTOP”, which is under the management of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, fulfilled the financial plan for 2023 with a positive indicator, deducting more than 41 million hryvnias for the benefit of the state.

The risks that SE “USIE IZOTOP” faced with the beginning of a full-scale war forced to reconsider the approach to the management of the Enterprise. In July 2023, Volodymyr Kalachyk headed SE “USIE IZOTOP”. With his appointment, there were changes in management and personnel policy, training was conducted to improve the qualifications of employees, and intensified work on expanding the range of services provided by the Enterprise began.

“We are reaching the level of 2021, that is, before the start of a full-scale invasion, when the conditions for work, in particular, for the supply of radioisotope products, were more favorable. We managed not only to return to those scales, but also to increase the pace in 2024. For comparison, in the 1st quarter of the current year, compared to the same period in 2023, the company made payments to the state more than 3 times. It is also important that we are now actively implementing international projects, ” Volodymyr Kalachyk noted.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” is a state-owned specialized enterprise that has been supplying Ukraine with radioisotope products and equipment that uses radiation technologies since 1962, and provides support for managing radioactive materials at all stages of their life cycle.

Victory Day over Nazism in World War II

Today for the first time Ukraine officially honors the Victory Day over Nazism in World War II of 1939–1945.

For European countries May 8 is the date of the end of the war when Nazism was defeated. This Day is a reminder that war is about pain, not just glorified heroic battles for territory. These are broken destinies and mutilated families, millions of military and civilian casualties…

This day is about valuing peace and human life.

Volodymyr KALACHYK was a member of the jury of the competition “Atomic Innovators”-2024

Director of SE “USIE IZOTOP” Volodymyr KALACHYK was a member of the jury of the competition of scientific projects in the field of nuclear science, atomic energy and industry “Atomic Innovators”-2024.

The competition was initiated by the Ukrainian Nuclear Society and supported by leading companies in the nuclear and related industries. Specialists who have ideas and experience in the field of nuclear technologies were invited to participate.

Volodymyr Kalachyk noted that the participants presented interesting practical developments and relevant scientific research that have every prospect of being successfully implemented. The competition is an important tool for supporting and stimulating young scientists and experts in the field of nuclear energy and industry.