Ukraine celebrates Unity Day

Ukraine is united, indivisible and unshakable! It has always been, is and will be!

Our Enterprise works with industrial facilities and medical institutions throughout the territory of our country: from west to east, from north to south. And it hurts us that part of our lands are under temporary occupation, because we perceive Ukraine as integral and indivisible. We believe that soon we will be able to resume our activities in the already de-occupied regions.

Unity is not in loud words, but in our unity, in our actions and deeds!

SE “USIE IZOTOP” – Company of the Year 2023

SE “USIE IZOTOP” was awarded the title of Company of the Year 2023 in the Register of the Best Suppliers of Goods and Services of the All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center. It concerns such directions as the development of the region’s economy, lead in the industry and excellent dynamics of development.

The Enterprise began its history back in 1962. Since its establishment, the legal status of the company has changed several times, but the name “IZOTOP” and the main principles of work have remained unchanged: quality and safety.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” is a specialized Enterprise for the supply of radioisotope products, the equipment in which they are used, and the support of technological processes based on the use of ionizing radiation. The Enterprise provides support for the managing radioactive materials at all stages of their life cycle and is a key player in this field on the territory of Ukraine.

Among the consumers of the products and services of SE “USIE IZOTOP” are enterprises of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state, enterprises of critical infrastructure, health care institutions and others.

“Our company is a reliable partner for both Ukrainian and International companies. We have 60 years of experience in managing radioactive materials. We have developed our own resources to perform tasks of any complexity in a high-quality, timely and safe manner. We have all the necessary licenses and permits, and our staff is constantly improving their qualifications. In our work, accuracy and professionalism are mandatory, because we work with hazardous substances. Now, in the conditions of martial law, we aim to ensure the stable operation of IZOTOP, and after the end of the war in the country and the restoration of air traffic, we strive for rapid scaling and output at least to the capacities that were before 2022,” – said the Director of the SE “USIE IZOTOP” Volodymyr KALACHYK.

The main areas of activity:

  • supply and sale of radiopharmaceutical and radioimmunological preparations for diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases and conducting scientific research in medicine and biology,
  • supply of all types of sources of ionizing radiation for medical (radiation therapy) and industrial purposes,
  • supply of unsealed and sealed sources of ionizing radiation for laboratory and scientific research,
  • provision of services for recharging, installation and dismantling of all types of radioisotope equipment for medical, industrial and other purposes,
  • transportation (import, export, transit) of hazardous goods of Сlass 7,
  • implementation of all types of management of sources of ionizing radiation,
  • registration of sources of ionizing radiation in the State Registry of Sources of Ionizing Radiation and Individual Exposure Doses that is a single state system of accounting and control of sources of ionizing radiation and individual exposure doses located in Ukraine, the functioning of which is ensured by one of the structural units of SE “USIE IZOTOP”.

For safe and high-quality management radioactive materials, the company has its own specially equipped infrastructure:

  • production complex located at a distance from a residential area,
  • a trench-type storage facility for isotope products for temporary storage of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation,
  • vehicles specially equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (PBPRM-2020), and which meet the requirements set for the transportation of hazardous goods of Class 7,
  • and other equipment.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” is a key partner (contractor and recipient) of International Technical Assistance Projects of the U.S. Government through the U.S. Department of Energy “Enhancing the Security of Ukraine’s Disused Sources of Ionizing Radiation”, “Enhancing the Security of Ukraine’s Sources of Ionizing Radiation”, and also cooperates with the IAEA to ensure the highest standards in nuclear and radiation safety, improvement of physical protection and security at the Enterprise.

Priorities for the future are developed considering the time and circumstances in which the country currently lives. Thus, one of the strategic goals is the removal of sources of ionization radiation at the objects of the de-occupied territories and near-front regions within the framework of state programs and international projects.

At the same time, we continue to support and develop medical, scientific and industrial activities, constantly improving and modernizing our own infrastructure. Expanding the assortment and ensuring uninterrupted supply of radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment and diagnosis of oncological diseases is of special social importance to us.

Of course, we set ourselves the goal of increasing the revenue part of the Enterprise, increasing the number of jobs, modernizing the material and technical base, starting our own production of radiopharmaceuticals and introducing other additional types of activities,” noted Volodymyr KALACHYK.

The management of the State Property Fund of Ukraine visited SE “USIE IZOTOP”

On January 16, 2024, the Chairman of State Property Fund of Ukraine, Vitalii KOVAL, visited SE “USIE IZOTOP”. During the meeting, we discussed current issues and strategic plans, as well as got acquainted with the work of the Production Complex of SE “USIE IZOTOP”.

The management of State Property Fund of Ukraine emphasized that the SE “USIE IZOTOP” is a strategic enterprise that has no analogues in Ukraine.

According to Vitalii KOVAL, the task of State Property Fund of Ukraine is to make any enterprise profitable: “The management of SE “USIE IZOTOP” is also interested in expanding the client base and increasing profitability. It is good that they are not sitting still, but are thinking about the diversification of the Enterprise. In particular, we are talking about plans for own production of radiopharmaceuticals, which Ukraine does not yet have. The State Property Fund of Ukraine supports this initiative.”

Director of SE “USIE IZOTOP” Volodymyr KALACHYK explained: “We understand where we should go. One of the directions is the in-house production of radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. I believe that this is a particularly important direction that carries a social function and is promising for the country both from the point of view of the development of nuclear medicine and in terms of filling the state budget.”

Volodymyr KALACHYK also expressed hope that with such support the desired results will be achieved for the Enterprise and Ukraine as a whole.