SE “USIE IZOTOP” at the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrii Sybiga with representatives of Ukrainian business circles.

Director of SE “USIE IZOTOP” Volodymyr KALACHYK took part in the meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii SYBIHA with representatives of the Ukrainian business circles, businesses, exporters, chambers of commerce, business associations, state enterprises and corporations, which took place on October 3 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The Minister expressed his gratitude to the Ukrainian entrepreneurs for their resilience in the face of the full-scale russian aggression. He noted that supporting the economy of Ukraine is extremely important for ensuring the defense capability of our country.

The Minister made special emphasis on plans for the development of cooperation with the Ukrainian business in terms of public and cultural diplomacy, and also noted that the dialogue between diplomats and business would be regular.

As part of the meeting, special attention was paid to the initiative “Made in Ukraine” and the international platform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine “Nazovni”, which is designed to provide diplomatic assistance to the Ukrainian businesses in entering foreign markets.

USA is ready to cooperate and invest in the development and recovery of Ukraine!

At the invitation of the Washington Institute for Business, Government, and Society, and the Mayor’s Club of Ukraine, the SE “USIE IZOTOP” team headed by the director Volodymyr Kalachyk took part in the UA – US TRADE MISSION REBIRTH OF UKRAINE – ECONOMIC RECOVERY BUSINESS FORUM, which was held from September 23 to 26, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Government officials and representatives of local authorities of the USA, U.S. businesses, investors, financial institutions, representatives and members of associations and chambers of commerce, and The Mission’s program included workshops, forums and networking with the U.S. and Ukrainian government officials and local government representatives, U.S. businesses, investors, financial institutions, representatives and members of associations and chambers of commerce, and private sector gathered together with a common goal to promote and implement concrete steps towards reconstruction, recovery and development of Ukraine’s economy in wartime and post-war.

The official events were held at Organization of American States (OAS), Ukraine House, Chemonics, CSIS | Center for Strategic & International Studies, and Elliott School of International Affairs.

The Agenda included conferences with presentations, forums, working meetings, networking and B2B meetings, and discussions with stakeholders.

Together with his team, the director made presentations on the activities of the company and presented to American partners a project proposal for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Nuclear Medicine and the introduction of radioactive medicine production in Ukraine by establishing a cyclotron center at the SE “USIE IZOTOP”. We talked to foreign investors and funds about the priority areas for investment in our country and this area in particular.

Several U.S. companies and business representatives have expressed their interest in cooperating with our company in the development of nuclear medicine and creation of the cyclotron center.

Additionally, during the UN Week in New York, members of the delegation were invited to meet with representatives of the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, USAID – US Agency for International Development, the Mayor’s Office of New York City, United Neighborhood Houses and the Yale University.

The participation in these events resulted in new business contacts and ideas for further cooperation and partnership for the reconstruction, popularization, attraction of investments and development of our country and the economy as a whole!

Specialists of SE “USIE IZOTOP” took part in the 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy”

On September 26-27, 2024, SE “USIE IZOTOP” took part in the 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy”, which was held in Kyiv in the Great Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by the President of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society, Volodymyr KHOLOSHA, the First Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Yurii SHEIKO, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the NAS of Ukraine, Anatolii NOSOVSKYI, and one of the founders of the conference, Chief Unit Supervisor of the Khmelnytskyi NPP, Oleksandr KHOMYCH.

First Deputy Director Serhii HRINCHENKO, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs Oksana KOROL, Advisor to the Director for Scientific and Technical Affairs Professor Ihor KADENKO participated on behalf of SE “USIE IZOTOP”. Oksana KOROL gave a report and presentation on the topic: “Innovation as a development strategy” from the company. She drew the attention of the audience to the necessary and socially significant areas of work of the scientific part of the nuclear energy sector, which will contribute to increasing the independence of the state in such a sensitive segment as the provision of radioactive medicinal products for oncological patients of Ukraine and shared the plans of SE “USIE IZOTOP” regarding the initiation of the company’s own production of radiopharmaceuticals.

The task of providing medicine with radioactive isotopes is taken care of at the state level by all the leading countries of the world. Thus, in February 2021, the European Commission adopted the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionizing Radiation Applications (SAMIRA), which is the energy sector’s contribution to the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and a response to the European Council conclusion of May 24, 2019 on non-energy nuclear and radiological technologies and applications.

SE “USIE IZOTOP” always keeps up to date and uses innovative approaches in its activities. We set goals – we act now!

SE “USIE IZOTOP” held working meetings with specialists of GRS, Germany.

At the invitation of the Gesellschaft fur Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit mbH (GRS), representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP” took part in the international workshop “Radioactive Waste Management and Safe Handling of Radioactive Sources in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, which took place on 17-19 September 2024 in Berlin.

The event was held under the support of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection of Germany (BMUV), the German Federal Foreign Office (MFA) and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection of Germany (BfS).
In their presentation, the specialists SE “USIE IZOTOP” presented the company’s experience in the management of ionizing radiation sources, including the activities within the framework of international technical assistance projects funded by the Federal Government of Germany through the GRS. Plans for further cooperation and implementation of joint projects were outlined and discussed.

The workshop was attended by representatives of regulatory bodies and organisations working with radioactive materials from Germany, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP” actively participated in discussions, studied international experience and exchanged practical knowledge with the foreign partners.

This is an important event that strengthens international cooperation under the martial law and is a guarantee of support for Ukraine in the field of management of ionising radiation sources, other radioactive materials and equipment.

State Enterprise “USIE IZOTOP” took part in the organization and holding of the scientific and practical conference “Modern achievements of nuclear medicine”

UKRAINIAN SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, and SE “USIE IZOTOP” held a scientific and practical conference “Modern achievements of nuclear medicine” with participation of international partners. The event took place on September 9-10, 2024, in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine).

Such cooperation is active already for 24 years and is aimed at uniting nuclear medicine doctors throughout the country, promoting the exchange of experience, sharing of knowledge, and the search for joint solutions.

Nuclear medicine in the world is experiencing an era of unprecedented scientific and technological developments currently unavailable to doctors and patients of Ukraine, and provides a personalized approach to patients, that is, the development of better strategies for identifying and treating diseases based on the unique profile of a person.

The expanded use of nuclear medicine methods accelerates, simplifies and reduces the costs of developing and providing improved medical care, reduces health care costs and promotes the implementation of personalized medicine. Their use goes far beyond diagnosis, providing support in the selection of appropriate therapy, evaluating response to therapy and follow-up of the patient’s condition.

At the event, the leading members of the Ukrainian Society of Specialists in Nuclear Medicine and scientists from other fields discussed the relevance and necessity of approving and implementing “The concept of the development of nuclear medicine and the introduction of the production of radioactive medicines in Ukraine” developed by the SE “USIE IZOTOP”, which is aimed at providing Ukrainian citizens with access to quality medical services and preservation of the nation’s health in accordance with the goals of sustainable development and certain provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine.

Team of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in the quarter project meetings organized by the U.S. Department of Energy

Team of SE “USIE IZOTOP”, as part of the official delegation of Ukraine, took part in the quarter project meetings organized by the U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS), which took place from 24 to 26 August 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Representatives of SE “USIE IZOTOP” presented a report on the implementation of the ongoing projects.

Volodymyr Kalachyk emphasised: “Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy is strengthening, which is extremely important for our participation in international projects, especially in the context of martial law in Ukraine. The material and technical base is being improved, and the competence of personnel is being enhanced, which will help in our further work with ionising radiation sources and radioactive materials.

As a result, the parties agreed to continue the substantive cooperation and further meetings.

The Ukrainian delegation, led by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, in addition to the SE “USIE IZOTOP”, also included representatives of the enterprises of the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management (SSE “Central Enterprise for Radioactive Waste Management”, SSE “Association “Radon”), the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and ETC “Atomenergotrening”.