SE “USIE IZOTOP” provides services for recharging (charging, discharging), as well as installation and dismantling of all types of radioisotope equipment for medical, industrial, and other purposes.
Works on replacement of radioisotope sources are performed at the production facilities of SE “USIE IZOTOP” and on the site of a customer in cases provided for by the technological process.
The production facilities of the company include two “hot” cells, a fleet of transport and recharging containers and special equipment designed for manipulations with radioactive sources.
The maximum loading activity of the SE “USIE IZOTOP” “hot” cell is 50,000 Ci for Co-60 isotope.
The company ensures a full cycle of works related to commissioning (decommissioning), replacement of radioisotope equipment or ionizing radiation sources, including transportation of radioactive materials, dosimetric control, preparation of IRS for disposal.